자나 팜정
[물리학 및 실험1] 05. 뉴턴의 제2법칙 So is this following any specific grammatical conventions or is it a special colloquialism? The idiom 자나 깨나 meaning "whenever one sleeps or wakes up" is used to say always. 자- is the stem of the 자나 팜정 자다; 깨- the stem 자나 팜정 the verb 깨다. To use 자나 팜정 verbs, you should attach an ending or multiple endings... 자나팜정 (0.125, 0.25, 0.4, 0.5, 1mg), 부작용, 효능, 성분, 정보 자나팜정0. 25mg 효능,..